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Friday, March 26, 2010

Musical Easter Egg Maracas

Since, we are celebrating Easter this month, why not make more fun and creative Easter crafts. If you are a parent, you already know that most kids love to make noise. My little one loves music and definitely likes to make a lot of noise. If your like me, the noise does not bother me one bit. It just puts a big smile on my face. Now, let's get involved with this fun noise making craft.

Plastic Eggs
Dry grains (popcorn seeds, rice, chickpeas, beans or any other items you want to use)
Glue gun or tape
Glue stick
Tablespoon or spoon
Put on your Happy Musical Face!

These are just a few inexpensive items, you can find at any grocery store. Let your little one, open their favorite color plastic egg. Have them fill half of the open egg with 2 tablespoons of any dry grains (again experiment with various items for different sounds). Sophia filled half of the open egg with rice and popcorn seeds.

Once, all the eggs are all filled, you (parent), will place a little bit of hot glue or tape along the edge of the top and bottom of the egg. Close egg carefully and press down tightly. When all the eggs are glued and dried, get ready to make some noise.
Put on your dancing shoes, reach out and grab your "maracas" and let us make some noise. Shake up and down, shake left to right, shake all the way around. Dance, make up a song and have fun making music with your handmade musical "maracas". Sing along to "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" by Gene Autry.
What a great way to celebrate Easter day!

Enjoy this fun Easter project with your children and let me know how it went. Love to read all your wonderful comments.


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