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Monday, March 8, 2010

"Trace Me" Wall Art.

As we all know occasionally the weather can prevent us from doing any activities outside the house and today is that occasion for us. It is a rainy, windy day and I decided to stay in with my little one. In order to keep the little busy bee busy, I came up with a fun, creative, and educational activity. So, lets begin our fun and creative activity.

Before we start you'll be needing:

Your child (LOL)
Large Piece of Paper
Scotch Tape
Construction Paper
Place to hang your Wall Art
Don't forget your Happy Face :)

Find an area you want to work. Place a large piece of paper on the floor and ask your little one to lie down flat on that paper. Then you start tracing your little one. Let her trace you as well. She traced me, but since it was just the two of us, there was no one else to capture the moment on camera. LOL.
Once, she has been traced on the large paper, she wanted to trace over her own outline. My "Sophia" wanted to draw the mouth first, as you can see from the picture. She drew the entire face.

Then, we end up coloring the entire outline "Red".

Don't forget to let them write their names, every art work needs some kind of name recognition.

If you have a favorite picture of your little one, you can place it on the head area, to give it more of a personality. They will love it, but in the end my little one, wanted to see her own art work.

Cut out and place the outline of your little one aside. Get your construction paper and write down the body parts of your little one's outline. Once it is completed, attach scotch tape on each word. Ask them where they want to hang their own body outline.
My little one selected the wall in her bedroom. Attach the outline on the wall with the help of your little one. Read the words out loud and see where they want to place it. If they need assistance, guide them through the process.

Once, all the words are placed in order, ask them to point out the words and to say them out loud. Now, we have created a "Trace Me" Wall Art. Not only is this project fun, creative and educational but it is also their own wall art. They will love it and treasure it forever!

Enjoy and let me know if you have done it. Love to read all your lovely comments.


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54 thoughtful responses:

No Longer 25 said...

Tag, you're it!
Have a great day,

Jaime said...

Tag your it!
Have a happy tag Tuesday!

Wendy said...

Tag your it! I am now following!

Enjoy your day.

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

what a great idea - i love it - tag!!

Anonymous said...

What an adorable idea! I'll have to try that with my son..he'd love it!

I'm a new follower from Tag Tuesday..stop by and visit me sometime!

USCGWifey said...

That's really cute! Tag youre it! :)

Curling up by the Fire said...

Tag, you're it!

Both of my kids did that in their junior kindergarten class and I still have them stored away as they were really cute. They really enjoyed making them too.

Unknown said...

Love it! So cute.

Robin @ Blommi said...

What a great project!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness. I have a post almost exactly like this today. I promise I did not copy you. We got our idea from Curious George and I wrote and scheduled the post 3 weeks ago. :-P I guess great minds think alike. Returning the follow. :-)

KatieBug said...

Following Back from MBC ;)

Very colorful and pretty blog!!

Xenia said...

What a cute idea! I think any kid would have a great time doing this.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I'm following you now as well :)

Shelley said...

What a fun idea!

Following back from MBC!

Anonymous said...

Following back from A Penny Saved and MBC. Thanks SO much for dropping by to follow us! What a lovely blog you have here, thanks for sharing!

Jen @ A Penny Saved

Anonymous said...

Following back from MBC :)

Anonymous said...

I have done that so many times and it is always so fun!

Unknown said...

Oh what a cute project! I may have to try this with my two! Happy Wednesday, I'm following your blog!

Katie said...

Following you back :)

thanks for visiting

Mommy Kennedy said...

Excellent idea! Thanks for sharing and leaving me a comment too!

Following you back from MBC.

Elle said...

This just gave me a great idea! Our son needs to do a project about himself on what he would like to do when he grows up and never thought about tracing him. I'm following from

Mayra said...

Great idea!!! If only my little one would stay still...

I'm your newest follower. =D

*Mom's Best Bets said...

Following you too-great idea-My daughter and i do this a lot but we never did the tags for the body parts-great!

Tammy said...

So cute! what a great idea.

Thanks for coming by and following my blog. I am your newest follower! :) Have a great one!

MyMomfessions said...

thanks for stopping by..dont forget to enter my army wife 101 giveaway! hope to get to know u better!

Genny said...

Stopping by to follow back! What a great wall art idea!

Liz Mays said...

Following back! Very cute idea and something I did with my kids too.

Mami said...

What a great idea!
I am a new follower from MBC....Frugal Mom.



Emily's Family said...

What a fantastic idea. I love it.

Im following you from MBC

Scrappin Stampers said...

Thanks for the follow, following you back from MBC

Anonymous said...

I'm following you back from FFF.. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Happy Mom Of 5
Chrissy's World Of Books

Veronica Lee said...

What a cute idea!

Hi! Visiting from MBC. Great blog.

Unknown said...

I love this! We're going to do the same thing with my daughter...if she will let us trace her! LOL

Now following from FFF@MBC! your daughter is beautiful!

Jennifer said...

I am following you from MBC love the theme of your blog and so colorful. looking forward to reading your posts

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am following you from the FFF group at Mom Bloggers Club.
I love this fun educational idea! How creative. Your daughter's wall art looks fabulous!

Jack and Alex Manning said...

This is fantastic! I'm so doing this with my kids. I want to do one too :). Love your blog!

Peryl (FFF)

(I'm here: - the login is an old blog, haven't figured out how to fix it yet... ;)).

ThinkFeminist said...

Following you now from MBC/GFC

Blessing@ Safe Home Happy Mom

Mayra said...

Thanks for following back.

I am already your follower. =D

Anonymous said...

follow from MBC, here is mine

JaelCustomDesigns said...

That's a great activity!

Following from MBC (FFF Group)
YOu can find me at

Tree said...

Hi there! Another MBC mommy blogger here! I remember doing this when I was in 3rd grade...such fun!

I'm following you with both of my blogs now....thanks for following me! :)

Tree aka Mother of Pearl

Tracy said...

Very neat project especially this close to March break!

Ann Harrison said...

This is such a wonderful idea! Your daughter is adorable.

Found you through FFF on Mom Bloggers Club.

Deb K said...

Hi~I am now following from MBC

You can find me here~

Anonymous said...

Great project! Following back from MBC! Thanks so much for stopping in at Baba's!

Carolee Hollenback said...

Wow, I never thought about adding the words to identify body parts!

Very cool.

I'll have to do that with my grandson when he's a little older!

Mimi N said...

My kids have done the body tracing before, but I love your idea of putting names of body parts on it!! Great learning ideas.

Following you from FFF @ MBC


CherryBlossomMJ said...

How cute! I remember doing this a child. Thanks for the MBC Follow, follow back via GFC. :)

Saving Creatively said...

What a great idea for this rainy weekend!

One Savvy Mom! said...

Hi :-)
I'm now following! What a great idea, and I just purchased a roll of white paint paper for the easle, I'll have to use some of it to do this cute activity!
Have a great day! :-)

Johnnsons said...

Just stopping by from MBC. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Tree said...

Hi there! I stopped by yesterday, but I'm back from MBC with more comment luv. LOL

Tree aka Mother of Pearl

Show Me Mama said...

Thanks everyone for visiting my blog and such wonderful comments to read. Have a great weekend ya'll :)

Ree said...

Cute! We did these recently too! :) Thanks for visiting. said...

LOVE this!! So cute. We'll be doing it over spring break--thx for the idea!

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